Remodel or Not to Remodel

Remodeling has been considered a poor investment financially for many years. Many people put thousands of dollars into remodeling their home before re-sale, only to find out that they did not make any money on their investment.

But what about if you are deciding to remodel your home or to buy a new house or “swap” your house to get the type of home that you want?

In this case, remodelling can be considered to be an inexpensive alternative to house-swapping. House-swapping could cost you 10% of the current value of your house in commissions paid to real estate agents, costs of moving your belongings, and the expenses for selling.

So, if upgrading your home would cost you less than house-swapping would, then you should consider remodelling instead. And in any case you decide to remodel your home, ensure you have an InterNACHI inspector(such as myself) inspect the project.

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